
One more kiss, dear - Vangelis (Blade Runner OST, 1982)

데커드가 조라(레플리컨트)를 죽이고 난뒤 선술집에서 칭타오술을 주문하는 장면에서 이 음악이 나온다.
(소리가 작게 나오기 때문에 잘 들어야지만 들을 수 있다능...)
이 장면에서 데커드는 또 다른 레플리컨트인 레이첼이 도망중이라는 걸 알게 되고..
우연히 그 자리에서 도망치는 레이첼을 발견하게 된다.

Music: Vangelis
Lyrics: Peter Skellern
Sung by: Don Percival

One more kiss, dear
One more sigh
Only this, dear
It's goodbye
For our love is such pain
And such pleasure
And I'll treasure till I die
So for now, dear
Aurevoir, madame

But I'm how-d'ye, not farewell
For in time we may have a love's glory
Our love story to tell

Just as every autumn
Leaves fall from the tree
Tumble to the ground and die
So in the springtime
Like sweet memories
They will return as will i

Like the sun, dear
Upon high
We'll return, dear
To the sky
And we'll banish the pain and the sorrow
Until tomorrow goodbye
One more kiss, dear
One more sigh
Only this, dear
Is goodbye
For our love is such passion
And such pleasure
And I'll treasure till I die

Like the sun, dear
Upon high
We'll return, dear
To the sky
And we'll banish the pain and the sorrow
Until tomorrow goodbye

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